Do Thai People Celebrate Christmas?

Photo by Tan Kaninthanond on Unsplash
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If you’ve ever wondered about this, or you were in Thailand during the Christmas Holidays and saw the multitude of Christmas decorations in the Malls and Public Services locations, you’ve probably asked yourself, if “Thais celebrate Christmas?”

The Religion

Thailand is overwhelmingly Buddhist, a 2018 report by the Thailand National Statistical Office found that 93.5% of Thais identify themselves as Buddhist, the same study found that 1.1% of Thais identified themselves as Christian.

Of the Christian population in Thailand, it is a mix, and they are located all around the country of Thailand. From wealthy families, to former hill tribes people, the mix of Thais who call themselves Christian is a mix from across the spectrum of Thai society.

Do they celebrate Christmas?

For the Christians in Thailand, yes, of course, and they will also go to Church and do the things that are in line with being a good Christians, guided by their local Church and Pastor.

Most other Thais will not celebrate Christmas. However, there are some “in-betweeners”, let me explain.

There are a lot of Thai’s who are very international, this means they and their families keep up with the goings ons globally, and will likely have studied abroad and picked up some of the culture. Others will have foreign family/friends, they may even be married to a foreigners, and therefore will celebrate Christmas as you would if you lived in the West.

Then there’s a lot of Thais who work in companies that will celebrate Christmas, western companies with offices in Thailand will often give the Thai office Christmas leave and organise Christmas events like Secret Santa, gift giving, parties.

Apart from the groups mentioned above, Thais do not really celebrate Christmas. Some will take photos and post on Social Media for fun and to be part of the celebrations, kind of like what westerns do on Diwali for example, but they will not celebrate it officially.

Should you celebrate Christmas with your Thai Friends?

Yes, Thais are very hospitable and will go along with the fun for sure. So if you’re wondering if you can or should invite your Thai friends to celebrate Christmas, the answer is Yes, and they’ll enjoy it for sure.

Thais are not sensitive to celebrating things that you enjoy, and will not get offended about it not being their regional etc, so just don’t worry about any of that and invite them to the fun.


Only a small percentage of Thais actually celebrate Christmas, but nearly all will join in if it’s fun, so don’t forget to send your Thai friends Christmas Wishes and don’t worry about being insensitive, you won’t be, and you’ll be making their day.

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