How to Find a Job In Thailand

Girl searching for jobs online
Photo by Ivan Samkov:

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So you have moved, or are planning to move to Thailand. Maybe you have a job lined up, maybe you are looking around for one. This post will answer some common questions that comes up about How to Find a Job in Thailand.

We will look at the job sites available, some things which foreigners will need to know or have,a nd what to expect.

Job Sites


The old tried and true. LinkedIn is not used by many Thai people. Often it’s used by Thai’s who are looking to connect with foreign companies and audiences. Coming from the west I found this hard to believe, until I worked in the LinkedIn platform and tried to Network from it. It’s quite hard. Most Thai’s only use it if they have to.

This means that you will find jobs on LinkedIn. But the companies on there will categrically NOT be looking for real local Thai’s. More often they will be looking for Thai’s who have studied abroad, or expats.

What this means as a job seeker who is an expat, is that LinkedIn is the right place for you to be in.

My advice is to keep your profile up to date, as you would in the west. And to reach out to recruiters as you would in the west.


This is a site that not many Thai’s or Thai companies use at all. Most Thai people do not know that it exists and do not up date it.

Glassdoor is useful for reviews of and information about companies, but don’t be surprised to find that the Thailand Offices or Thailand Companies are underrepresented on there.

What this means for a job seeker is that you will find jobs there, but it will be for foreign companies, who may or may not have an office in Thailand, and are hoping to get CVs that way, or just exposure to their vacancy.

As a job seeker who is a expat, I think it’s a good place to find jobs from companies looking for people kind of like an expat. So it’s not a bad place. But very under utilised Thailand.


One of the most widely used job seeking sites in Thailand. Recommended for job seekers who are expats and locals a like.

Its user friendly, and has a presence all over Asia. It also boasts that it has a listing on the Australian Stock Exchange (about us page), and being Thailand no 1 job seeking website!

You can change the langauge easily from Thai, English, and many other Asian languages.

From my experience both as a job seeker and as an employers, JobsDB is very good. Plus it’s free to list on which means it has a lot of companies posting on the site.

For expat job seekers, you should upload your CV onto this site. Rectuirters can see new CVs that come up. And you might be lucky enough to have companies reach out to you through it, without you having to do anything. Although I do recommend applying for jobs manually as opposed to waiting.


This is one for the locals only. Companies advertising here are Thai companies, and they want a local Thai person.

Companies here are usually willing to pay a little less than on LinkedIn. But they usually do not ask for english language skills as the bulk of the work will be conducted in Thailand.

My advise for expats job seekers is that this is one of a long list of job sites that you can ignore. As the companies here are not looking for Expats, and are usually not able to consider sponsoring at all.

Other notable sites like JobThai are: Jobs Top Gun, JOBBKK and more.

Recruitment Agencies?

Like western countries there are a ton of recruitment agencies in Thailand. You’ll also find them on job boards.

I personally have not used an agency to find a job, but have used them to find candidates. Also, a lot of my friends have used agents to find a job for them.

Agents can be helpful, and they can also help you seal the deal, with a higher close rate. You can try signing up to them. Some I have seen are: Monroe Consultants, Michael Page, JAC Recruitment, and many others.

If you are searching on pages like LinkedIn or JobsDB then the employer will make it clear that they WILL sponsor a Work Visa.

You can also look for jobs posted for “Expats”, as these companies will also usually help to sponsor a work visa.

For more information on a work visa you can check out the Thai Embassy’s guidelines on how to obtain one.

Most Multinational companies on LinkedIn will at least try to sponsor a visa for you.

If you’re looking for further assistance, outside of your potential employer, there are many other companies in Thailand that will do just that. check out Sponsored Work Permit for their options.


There are many places to find jobs in Thailand

As an expat your best best is LinkedIn or JobsDB.

Remember to check if they will sponsor a visa.

And there are helpful ways to find out if the company is looking for expats, you could type “Expat” in the search. But LinkedIn is usually a safe bet of companies looking for foreigners as well as locals.

Finally, if you are going to work in Thailand, here’s our blog on some local work culture that you might want to read up on.

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