Importing from Thailand? Here are 6 Thai Business Cultural Norms that you MUST know about before hand

Thai Business People doing business together
Photo by Muhammad Faiz Zulkeflee on Unsplash

If you’re Importing from Thailand, there’s a lot of cultural nuances you might need to pick up on. Here are some tips for buying from Thailand. There is a lot more than this of course, and every business partnership is different, and depends a lot on the people you are working with. But here’s a start with some Cultural Tips you need to know.

1) Relationship First Approach

A Big cultural tip about Thailand that it is less transactional than countries in the EU or the Americas. Thais like to make sure that the person they are dealing with will “have their back”, this is because things often go wrong in business, and instead of blaming everyone, it’s better (from a Thai standpoint) to fix the issue without everyone losing face in front of other people.

What this means is that you have to work with your Thai partners as if you are working with a loved one, someone who you’re willing to try and protect and make sure you can resolve things together without causing embarrassment to one another.

This means, a lot of time is invested in making sure that everyone is comfortable working together.

2) Don’t forget about the Boss

Similarly to what you see in western business cultures, there’s a Boss, and they will likely have to say”yes” to most things that you want to happen. Thai culture is the same in this regard, in that you need the approval from the Boss.

A lot of work goes into convincing the Thai boss of what is right and wrong about business partners, products, and services. So you might find that you need to give your Thai partner more time and support in getting the approvals from their side, just to deal with your company in the first place.

In my experience this is the same as in Western businesses, but sometimes it might just take longer, so be patient, and support your Thai business partners during that phase.

3) Things can move Extremely Fast

Thais businesses and people are very flexible and productive. If you have a good relationship with the Thai company you will find that they will “go the extra mile” for you when you need, for example: drop everything to fulfil your abrupt and large order, make sure all internal people’s are on hand to work on your emergency project, get the right meetings and move the conversation along immediately.

Thai people are used to emergencies situations coming up, and they are good at fixing them too. They are very willing to do everything they can for you, and they expect the same from you also.

The power of friendship in a business setting is not to be abused, but it can be a life saver when you need it most.

4) They stick to their words

If a Thai person says they will do something at a certain time, they will pullout all the stops to do so. Because they said they would.

It’s not polite to lie or mislead others, it’s not a very good from a cultural or Buddhist standpoint.

So when you get a verbal commitment from Thai people they will usually try to get that done for you. If you don’t have a verbal commitment, then it’s likely that the answer is “no”. And that it is not possible or very unlikely to happen.

So remember that “a man is as good as his word” and trust that your business partner is committing, or already knows it’s not possible. Remember this when importing from Thailand or doing business.

5) After Care is non-negotiable

Thai culture and business will expect after care and on-going support. Your company should have that in place.

Thai people will expect that there is someone available for them to speak with at any time, even late evenings and weekends. The “Service Mind” Principle is taught in many places. This is something that Thai people try to provide, and also expect.

6) Friends help Friends out

The final point on our Cultural Tips list is perhaps the most important. In Thailand your friends will help you. If you are dealing in Thailand you have to know that the people you are dealing with have friends who will advise and give them all the inside information they can about anything they need, including you and your business.

Because of this it’s vital that you maintain good business practices, are reliable, and keep your word. If not, you’ll find a domino effect of bad mouthing about you will run throughout the industry that you are in, and you’ll likely not be able to do business again in Thailand because of the poor reputation that you/your company has here.

Thank you for reading, for more reasons why you should do business with Thai copmanies check out our Business Page

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