Khaosan Road – A Brief Introduction

Photo by Sung Shin on Unsplash

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If you’ve ever travelled to Bangkok, or are planning to, there’s a high chance that you’ll be staying near or passing through Khaosan Road. What is it about this road that makes it’s such a magnet for tourists? And what should you know about it before you venture there? Here’s a brief introduction to Khaosan Road

Where it all started

Actually it was 1892, the road is thought to have been a centre for rice selling, hence the name Khaosan (ข้าวสาร) which means “milled rice”. Milled Rice means, rice that has had the shell removed making it ready for cooking.

The Grand Palace (link), the home of the Siam Kings since 1782 when King Rama I built it as his residence, is situated nearby. As a result it’s very likely that Khaosan Road was part of a market surrounding the Siam Royalty residence providing food for the local workers and dignitaries.

How did Khaosan Road become a tourist hot spot?

Tourism in Thailand started shortly after the world war. The Vietnam war put Thailand on the map for the USA. Since the 1960’s there has been a steady rise in tourist arrivals into Thailand. Back in 1960 only 1million visitors came per year. In the 1980’s that number jumped up to 5 million per year. And since 1995 there has been an explosion of tourists arriving in Thailand. Reaching a peak of 40 million in the 2020s (link, link).

During this time of rapid tourist increase many of Thailand cities and landscape were changed. Urbanisation meant more people moving into Bangkok from rural areas. Coupled with the growth of the Tourism sector, which saw a boom in Hotels, Airports, and everything catering to tourists.

Khaosan Road followed that trajectory. Over the years more and more the shops and face turned to service the influx of tourists. Where there were market stalls there are now bars playing foreign music, where there were family owned shops there are now whole-sellers looking to make deals.

The booming economy meant more work, more jobs, more opportunities for local Thais.

Why is it such a hotspot for Tourists?

Actually it’s the hotspot for tourists looking to have a good time. Backpackers an students would find that Khaosan Road is the place in Thailand that most closely resembles what’s it like to go out clubbing, arguably there are some road in Thong Lor or RCA that could make that clim, but they’ not nearly as westernised as Khaosan Road is, and the prices are much higher in those places.

What Khaosan has is an abundance of service at low prices gears towards tourists. You’ll find that nearly everyone speaks english there, the price are kept quite low in order to increase the number of transactions, and a seemingly endless choice of bars and clubs to go to.

Thai’s like to keep things novel, so you’ll find exotic meats being served, unique items for sale, questionable and humorous art and t-shirts to buy. Whilst at the same time having free flowing alcohol and long lines of cheap food stalls that service tourist friendly food at a very low cost.

CBD in Khaosan Road

At time of writing this, CBD is still legal to sell and consumer within a confined establishment. As such any visitors to Thailand looking to par take in CBD recreationally, should visit Kahosan Road.

There is a lot of pressure from Local Thai’s to make CBD illegal again, so things might change in future, but right now the safest way to enjoy this drug is at an establishment in Khaosan Road.

Hot tips for visiting Khaosan Road

  • It’s a party road – Have fun, but don’t be rude to the locals
  • Good place to try local Thai food – The street food vendors and the restaurants in Kahosan Road make visitor friendly Thai food, it’s the best place to try some.
  • There are adult workers roaming the bars – Enjoy your time with the locals, but be aware that there are a lot of adult workers there also looking to take advantage of drunk visitors, so stay alert and if you’re enjoying your time with locals just know that there are real locals and there are workers.
  • Police – Generally they are very helpful, but they also will not put up with rudeness. So if you have a complaint make it respectfully in order that your case if best served.


Khaosan Road like most of Thailand has changed due to the influx of tourists, which has exploded since 1995.

It is now a great place for tourists to enjoy drinking and partying, trying some of the local food.

But at the same time, Thai culture still permeates the Road, so do be respectful, and drink sensibly.

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